

Hiventures' mission is to support the innovative ideas of the present and the future and thus contribute to the development of a sustainable and value-creating startup ecosystem in Hungary.



Budapest, Hungary




Org chart

Biro Szilvia's profile picture
Biro Szilvia
Director of Marketing and Communications
dr. Horváth Kornél's profile picture
dr. Horváth Kornél
Head of Cabinet
Zoltán Lajkovics dr. LL.M.'s profile picture
Zoltán Lajkovics dr. LL.M.
Director Of Compliance And Controls, Data Protection Officer
Ákos Baranyai
Investment Manager
Balazs Besenyei's profile picture
Balazs Besenyei
Senior Investment Manager
Csúcs Dóra's profile picture
Csúcs Dóra
Investment Manager
Daniel Gellai
Senior Investment Maganger
Dorottya Lili Nagy
Investment Manager
Enikő Deák
Seed Investment Committee Member
Fanni Varkoly
VC Investment Manager
Gergely Buró
Investment Manager
Gergely Dézsi
Investment Manager
Gyorgy Komlosi
Investment Manager
Ildikó Fekete
Senior Investment Manager
Judit Scheller
Investment Manager
Richárd Levente Kovács
Senior Investment Manager
Levente Sipos-Tompa Dr.
Member of the Investment Committee
Sára Szendrői
Senior Investment Manager
Sophie Antoni
Investment Manager
Szabolcs Rövid
Investment Manager
Szabolcs Szántósi
SME Investment Manager
Tamás Csehi
Investment Manager
Tamás Tóth
Investment Manager
Ádám Villányi
Senior Investment Manager
Zita Sallai
VC Investment Manager
Zsolt Gyuris
Investment Manager
Enikő Vigh
Legal Counsel
Evelin dr. Tóth
Legal Counsel
Ferenc Miháldi
Corporate Compliance Expert
Kovacs Liliana
Compliance Officer