IEEE Robotics and Automation Society


Focus is on both applied and theoretical issues in robotics and automation. Robotics is here defined to include intelligent machines and systems; whereas automation includes the use of automated methods in various applications to improve performance and productivity. The society sponsors a number of... Read more





Org chart

Frank Park

Frank Park

Paul Oh
Vice President
Andra Keay
VP, Industrial Activities
Stefano Stramigioli
VP, Member Activities
Kyujin Cho
VP, Technical Activities
Jianwei Zhang
AVP, Conference Finance
Hyunglae Lee
AVP, Conference Publications
Hyungpil Moon
AVP, Competitions
Jubair Mahamud Apon
Head Of Administration
Terence Martinez
Executive Director
Ömer Faruk K.
IEEE Erciyes Student Branch
Masiel Távara Rosales
Vicepresidente Del Capítulo RAS De IEEE UDEP
Mohammad Ghaderzadeh
Student Representative
Mostafa Asadinezhad (Moss Nezhad)
IEEE Robotics And Automation Society
Sameh Zenned
Counselor IEEE Student Branch Istic
Devansh Chaudhary
Technical Head
Ahmet Tanrikulu
Technical Trainer
Abdul Majeed Buriro
Student Representative
Felipe Fiscina
Secretário Geral
Paulo Gonçalves
Secretary Of The Ontological Standard For Ethically Driven Robotics And Automation Systems Working G
Remzi Kaplan
Aktif Üye