ifok GmbH


Digitalisation, energy revolution, new mobility – our world is changing at a terrific pace. Processes and decisions are getting more and more complex. It's more important than ever to keep your eye on the big picture. That's good – because that's exactly what we do best. Together with our customers... Read more






Org chart

Hans-Peter Meister
Founder, Member Of Board

Hans-Peter Meister

Arne Spieker
Business Unit Lead | Infrastruktur
Daniel Gaumann
Business Unit Lead | Verkehr Und Mobilität
Inga Stern
Business Unit Lead | Public Campaigning
Janina Henning
Business Unit Lead | Wirtschaft 4.0
Jochen Von Maltzahn
Unit Lead | IT Und Infrastruktur
Özgür Yildiz
Business Unit Lead | Corporate Transformation
Philipp Gassner
Lead Expert Redaktion | Nachhaltigkeitskommuni-kation Und Digitalisierung
Philipp Jähn
Business Unit Lead | Infrastructure Mobility
Sarah Bastgen
Business Unit Lead | Veranstaltungsdesign & -management
Simon Carmagnole
Business Unit Lead | Infrastructure Energy
Yasmin Hameed
Business Unit Lead | Innovationsdesign & Co-creation
Frank Trümper
Prof. Dr. Theo Camps