CEO and Executive Team


The executive team at IFT Group has a history of experience in various companies and industries, including Mitra Teknologi Kreasi, Solutif, Karuna Baruna Nusantara, PT. Gema Inovasi Teknologi, PT Orbit Nasional Edukasi, PT Drife Solusi Integrasi, ONE INDONESIA, Deloitte, PT. Indocyber Global Technology, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, PT. IDStar Cipta Teknologi & IFT Group, PT REKAYASA TEKNOLOGI MAYA, PT Digital Integritas Mandiri (Trolee), and Era Indonesia Digital. They also have a variety of educational backgrounds, from Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), Universitas Bina Nusantara (Binus), and BINUS University to Psikologi UGM.

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