Jennifer Lile

Director of Human Resources at Insights Consulting

Although Jennifer’s initial plan was to be a high school art teacher, life’s turns and twists led to her working in the school system as an Educational Mentor for a young man with disabilities. That experience is what sparked her interest in working with and supporting individuals with disabilities, ultimately paving the way for her to change career paths and begin working as a Case Manager for individuals receiving Medicaid Waiver services. After several years in the case management field, Jennifer changed her path once again and worked a number of years for a residential provider. Jennifer’s path through the residential field is what eventually brought her to Insights Consulting in 2010. Originally a Coordinator of Quality Outcomes, Jennifer worked with Insights for a few of years before taking a brief sabbatical. Coupling her previous HR experience with her work supporting individuals with developmental disabilities, Jennifer returned to Insights in 2014 to assume a new role as an HR Consultant, a role which quickly evolved and transitioned into her current position as Director of Human Resources.


  • Director of Human Resources

    Current role