Lampros Androutsos

Scientific Programmer at InSyBio

Lampros is responsible for the implementation of biological data analysis algorithms.

Lampros is a computer engineer from the Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics at the University of Patras (Greece). He is now pursuing a MSc degree in Informatics for Life Sciences with specialization in Bioinformatics at the School of Medicine, University of Patras. After successfully completing his three-month internship at InSyBio, as a Python backend developer, where he implemented deep neural networks in InSyBio’s biomarkers discovery pipeline, he is the main machine learning/backend developer since August 2021. Since September 2021, he is also working as a junior data analyst in Virtuous Horizon 2020 funded project ( having done placements in Politecnico di Torino, Universidad de Granada and SUPSI - Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana.


  • Scientific Programmer

    Current role