Integration Charter Schools


Integration Charter Schools (ICS) is dedicated to providing innovative pathways to college that fully integrate students living with emotional challenges and others with special needs.





Org chart

Sean Harrell

Sean Harrell

Kenneth Byalin
Founder & President Emeritus
Mary Cottingham
Chief Operating Officer
Theresa Peterford
VP, Education
Florence Guarnera
Director of Special Education
Jodi Guagliardo
Executive Director, The ICS Foundation
Ronald Carara
VP, Human Resources
Erin Celletti
Director, Strategic Initiatives
Diane DiSalvo
VP, Mental Health
Susan Varvara
Director of Operations
Crystal Rios
Director, Wellness Programs
Yelena Osores
Director of Program Evaluation
Metin Capani
Director, Accounting Policies
Ryan Melis
Principal, New Ventures Charter School
Chris Zilinski
Founding Principal of Richmond Preparatory Charter School
Jenna Curran
Co-Principal, Lavelle Preparatory Charter Elementary School
Dhurata Rexha
Principal of Lavelle Prep High School
Alison Losavio
Co-Principal, Lavelle Preparatory Charter Elementary School
Michele Kruithoff-Greene
Assistant Principal, Nicotra Early College Charter School
Jacqueline Hillary
Principal, Lavelle Preparatory Charter School, Middle School
Joseph Avitto
Acting Director of Security
Kristina Mazza
Assistant Principal of Lavelle Preparatory Charter School, Middle School