Mehmet Bulut was born in 1970 in Çanakkale. He completed his primary and secondary education in Çanakkale and his higher education in İzmir. After completing his doctorate courses in two different universities in Ankara and Istanbul and successfully completing the "proficiency" exams between 1994-1996, he decided to pursue a doctorate in the Netherlands because of the subject he planned to work in the field of "economics and history". He received his second master's degree from the Posthumus Institute in 1998 and his doctorate from Utrecht University in 2000 in the field of economic history. He became assistant professor in 2001, associate professor in 2003 and professor in 2008.

He continued his academic career, which he started in 1993 as a Research Assistant, at Başkent University. He served as a lecturer, head of economics department, faculty board and faculty administrative board member at the relevant university. In 2011, he became the Founding Dean and Vice Rector of Yıldırım Beyazıt University Faculty of Political Sciences. In 2012, he was appointed as a Member of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK). In the same year, he was elected as a member of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA).