Ron Jacobs

Founder & CEO at Jacobs & Clevenger

Ron is a recognized leader in applying database and direct response strategies to branded products using traditional and electronic direct marketing. He has spoken at seminars and events in the U.S. and around the world. Ron has guided their agency in planning effective integrated marketing campaigns using direct mail, print and web-based advertising. He also consults on strategic direction for new media and electronic commerce. Ron has taught the Direct Marketing Association's basic course in Email Marketing. He is co-author with the late Bob Stone of the Eighth Edition of Successful Direct Marketing Methods, the best-selling text and trade book (over 250,000 copies sold) on the tools and techniques of direct marketing.

During the last 35 years, their founder, Ron Jacobs, has been blazing the trail and establishing the best ways to interact with consumers. Through honed tactics and techniques, Ron has defined the best ways to start, manifest and sustain relationships with customers. He shares his insights and strategies as the author of many articles and books, through works with clients and organizations in the U.S. and around the world, and across the globe as world-renowned public speaker.

Ron Jacobs literally wrote the book on direct marketing, which is now the basis for modern relationship and response marketing.