K&L Gates


K&L Gates LLP is an international law firm with offices in Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, South America, and the United States.





Org chart

James R. Segerdahl's profile picture
James R. Segerdahl
Global Managing Partner
Profile photo

James R. Segerdahl

Gavin Gray's profile picture
Gavin Gray
Chief Operating Officer
Charles A. Hokanson's profile picture
Charles A. Hokanson
Chief Financial Officer
Amy J. Horn's profile picture
Amy J. Horn
Chief People Officer
Bart Gabler's profile picture
Bart Gabler
Chief Legal Operations Officer
Jeffrey B. Maletta's profile picture
Jeffrey B. Maletta
General Counsel
David L. Wochner
Managing Partner, Washington
Michael E. Martinez
Managing Partner, Chicago Office
Michael S. Caccese
Chairman, Lead Practice Area Leader - Asset Management and Investment Funds
Pallavi Mehta Wahi
Managing Partner, Co-United States and Seattle
Rüdiger Von Hülst
Managing Partner, Berlin, Frankfurt, and Munich Offices
Thomas J. Smith
Managing Partner, United States
Tony Griffiths
Managing Partner, London, Brussels, Dubai & Doha Offices & Managing Partner, Europe & Middle East
Shiau Yen Chin-Dennis
Managing Partner, Portland Office
John A. Bicks
Managing Partner, New York & Sao Paulo Offices
Jason Opperman
Managing Partner, Australia
J. Ryan Dwyer
Managing Partner, Asia & Tokyo Offices
Robert H. McCarthy Jr.
Managing Partner, Austin Office
Christopher L. Nasson
Managing Partner, Boston Office
Ernie L. Cochran II
Managing Partner, Charleston Office
Brett A. Durham
Managing Partner, Charlotte Office
Beth W. Petronio
Managing Partner, Dallas Office
Gayle Bowen
Managing Partner, Dublin Office
Scott R. Bernhart
Managing Partner, Fort Worth Office
Craig P. Wilson
Managing Partner, Harrisburg Office
Vincent S. Tso
Managing Partner, Hong Kong Office
Anil Patel
Managing Partner, Houston Office
Christina N. Goodrich
Managing Partner, Los Angeles Office
Mathieu Volckrick
Managing Partner, Luxembourg
Steven R. Weinstein
Managing Partner, Miami Office
Giampaolo Salsi
Managing Partner, Milan Office
Lauren Patten
Managing Partner, Nashville Office
Anthony P. La Rocco
Managing Partner, Newark Office
Michael A. Hedge
Managing Partner, Orange County Office
Louis Degos
Managing Partner, Paris Office
Thomas C. Ryan
Managing Partner, Pittsburgh Office
David C. Lindsay
Managing Partner, Raleigh Office
Michael H. Hinckle
Managing Partner, Research Triangle Park Office
J. Matthew Mangan
Managing Partner, San Francisco Office
Tyler Hong Shik Won
Managing Partner, Seoul Office
Max Gu
Managing Partner, Shanghai & Beijing Offices
Jacqueline Fu
Managing Partner, Taipei Office
Scott E. Waxman
Managing Partner, Wilmington Office
Rick Giovannelli
Lead Practice & Industry Partner
Craig W. Budner
Global Strategic Growth Partner
Paul Callegari
Practice Area Leader, Labor, Employment, & Workplace Safety & Managing Partner, London Office
Ndenisarya Meekins
Practice Area Leader, Asset Management & Investment Funds
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