

LegalZoom is a trusted online platform that provides legal help to individuals, families, and small businesses. LegalZoom empowers millions of people in the U.S. and the U.K. to grow their business, care for their families, and protect their ideas.






Org chart

Kathy Tsitovich
Chief Partnership Officer
Noel Watson
Chief Financial Officer
Sheily Chhabria Panchal
Chief People Officer
Daniel Lysaught
Chief Marketing Officer
Nicole Miller
General Counsel
James Drake
VP Corporate Development
Chris Capriccio
VP Engineering
Erik Connaughton
Director, Analytics, Pricing, Retention & Loyalty
Gautam Godse
VP Product
Pravin Chandrasoma
VP Technology
Erica Gartsbeyn
Vp, Product Management & Business Operations
Jonathan Meltzer
Vp, Product Management & Business Operations
Ryan Zurowski
Vice President Of Product Design
Rob Wegbrands
Principal Product Manager
Vivek K Padmashali
Director Of Product Management
Louis Kachulis
Principal Counsel, Attorney Services
Matthew Knight
Director Of Operations, Legal Services
Roey Gilberg
Legal Director, Corporate And Commercial
Shant Sethee
Senior Director, Distinguished Product Counsel
Stephen Miller
Legal Director, Commercial