Kootenai Health

1 follower

Kootenai Health provides comprehensive medical services to patients in northern Idaho and throughout the Inland Northwest. Its main campus is located in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho and includes a 330-bed community-owned hospital.

Org chart

Profile photo

Jon Ness

Jeremy S. Evans' profile picture
Jeremy S. Evans
Chief Operating Officer
Ryan Smith's profile picture
Ryan Smith
Chief Information Officer
Karen Cabell's profile picture
Karen Cabell
Chief Physician Executive
Kelly Espinoza's profile picture
Kelly Espinoza
Chief Nursing Officer
Joel Hazel's profile picture
Joel Hazel
Chief Legal Officer
Cara Nielsen's profile picture
Cara Nielsen
President, Kootenai Health Foundation
John Weinsheim's profile picture
John Weinsheim
EVP, Kootenai Clinic
Cyndy Donato's profile picture
Cyndy Donato
EVP, People & Culture
Collin Furukawa's profile picture
Collin Furukawa
VP, Strategic Planning & Results Management
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