LSU includes institutions, facilities and programs in each of Louisiana’s 64 parishes. LSU campuses stretch the length of the state from New Orleans to Shreveport. Each institution plays a vital role in preparing students to incorporate new knowledge and new technologies into their daily lives. LSU... Read more




Org chart

Thomas C. Galligan Jr.'s profile picture
Thomas C. Galligan Jr.
Interim President
Profile photo

Thomas C. Galligan Jr.

Roy Haggerty's profile picture
Roy Haggerty
Executive Vice President and Provost
Keena Arbuthnot
Vice President & Chief Data Officer
Winston G. Decuir's profile picture
Winston G. Decuir
Vice President of Legal Affairs and General Counsel
Nancee Sorenson
Chancellor, Eunice
Steve Nelson's profile picture
Steve Nelson
Interim Chancellor, Health
Robert Smith
Chancellor, Shreveport
John Kirwan
Executive Director, Pennington Biomedical Research Center
Matthew Lee
Dean & VP for Agriculture
Jason Droddy
VP of Strategy & Public Policy
Todd Manuel
VP of Engagement, Civll Rights & Title IX
Todd Woodward
VP of Marketing & Communications
John Walters
VP, External Affairs
Danny Barrow
VP of Enrollment & Student Success
Courtney Phillips
VP, Health Affairs & Chief Health Officer
Debbie Richards
Assistant to the President
Cynthia Peterson
Special Science Advisor To President
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