

We believe that talent can be found anywhere but opportunity not. We are on a mission to bridge that gap and create equal opportunities for everyone. To achieve this, we are building the world’s largest remote talent company and help companies unlock global talent. Our dedicated, remote sourcin... Read more





Org chart

Adriaan Kolff
Co-Founder and CEO

Adriaan Kolff

Elliot Read
Talent Director
Viktoria Kudina
Talent Sourcing Manager
Head of Tech Delivery
Robert Witson
Sr. Growth Marketeer

Behind the scenes



If you don't grow, you die. We are never done learning, curiosity is the biggest value we hire for. Skill can be taught a growth mindset isn't. We always want to learn, develop and grow as individuals a company and human beings. Growth lies outside of your comfortzone so expect to feel a little bit uncomfortable most of the time ;).


We are willing to go the extra mile, put our clients first and like to put great results on the board. We are a bunch of positive people but when it comes to playing a game online, we are in it to win :).


We are flexible in our way of working both internally and externally. We are a fully remote company and we expect you to be your own boss and we provide a lot of freedom. With our ever changing and growing business a flexible attitude towards work and life in general will get you pretty far :).


We work as a team both internally and externally with our clients. There is no I in team. We fail and celebrate together and we have fun together.