


Established in 1960, McKinstry is a full-service design, build, operate and maintain (DBOM) firm with over 1, 900 staff.

Org chart

Dean Allen

Joseph Hagar
President & CFO
Ash Awad
Chief Market Officer
Allen Range
Vice President And Chief Information Officer
Jamie Pedersen
Vice President & General Counsel
Bill Teplicky
Executive Vice President
Brian Floyd
General Manager, Vice President
Janice Clusserath
Evp, Chief People Officer
Mark Jonson
Vice President - PNW Construction
James Miller
Vice President - Construction Operations - Mckinstry
Megan Owen
Senior Vice President, Strategy And Markets
Michael Frank
Vice President, Engineering & Design
Mikeal Porter
VP, Strategic Initiatives
Mike Porter
Vice President Energy And Technical Services
Ashley Ruiz
Director, Corporate Social Impact
Dave Ritter
Sr. Director Of Operations, National Design-build

Board & advisors