Mercy Health Australia


Mercy Health is a Catholic organisation grounded in a 2,000-year tradition of caring for others. Founded by the Sisters of Mercy, Mercy Health employs over 7,000 people who provide acute and sub-acute hospital care, aged care, mental health programs, maternity and specialist women’s health services,... Read more


Richmond, AU




Org chart

Angela Nolan
Group Chief Executive Officer

Angela Nolan

Clare Douglas
Chief Executive, Healthy Ageing
Leanne Mills
Chief Nursing And Midwifery Officer
Dr. Paul Jurman
Chief Information & Digital Transformation Officer
Mary-Anne Gallagher
Chief People Officer
Vijay Narayan
Chief Information Security Officer
Karen Russell
Director Patient Safety And Experience
Susan Blackbourn
Quality And Safety Director Aged Care
Gayle Boschert
Project Lead
Sharon Tijssen
Primary Care Liaison Officer
Sonia Carter
Project Lead
Bill Lane
Media Manager
Joni Edson
General Manager Marketing
Aaron Horwill
Business Enablement Manager
Himanshu Gupta
Business Improvement Manager