Merlin Entertainments


Merlin Entertainments is the world’s second largest visitor attraction operator and Europe’s number one. Merlin Entertainments has over 130 attractions around the world, ranging from indoor attractions such as SEA LIFE and Madame Tussauds to iconic theme parks like LEGOLAND and Alton Towers Resort.




Org chart

Fiona Eastwood

Andrea Ferri
Senior Project Manager/mobile & Digital Product Lead
Jemima Bird
New Business - Project & Programme Lead
Alistair Windybank
Chief Financial Officer
Anne-Sophie de Weck
Chief Product Officer
Hywel Mathias
Chief Commercial Officer
John Jakobsen
Chief Operating Officer, LEGOLAND Resorts Group
Karim Hajjar
Chief Financial Officer
Kinnari Ladha
Global Chief Data Officer
Matt Jowett
Chief Corporate Officer
Paul Moreton
Chief Development Officer
Spencer Holt
Chief Experience & People Officer

Board & advisors

Charles Gurassa
Senior Independent Non-executive Director
Fru Hazlitt
Independent Non-executive Director
Rachel Chiang
Independent Non-executive Director
Søren Thorup Sørensen
Non-executive Director
Trudy Rautio
Independent Non-executive Director
Uffe Kristensen
Board Observer