Mills College

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Founded in 1852, Mills College is a nationally renowned independent liberal arts and sciences college in the San Francisco Bay Area.




Org chart

Patricia L. Hardaway
Interim Provost & VP of Academic Affairs
Renée Jadushlever
VP for Strategic Communications & Operations
Nikole Adams
AVP for Institutional Advancement
David Gin
Associate Vice President
Linda Zitzner
Associate VP For Operations
Sandra Bury
Research Assistant To The President
Alexis Lopez
Assistant Dean of Students; Retention, Equity & Inclusion
Lilian Gonzalez
Associate Dean of Students
Devin Carr
Director of the Center for Student Leadership, Equity, and Excellence
Rev. Dara Olandt
Chaplain and Director of Religious and Spiritual Life
Dr. Aviva Wilcox
Assistant Vice President of Counseling, Health and Wellness
Michelle Pigott
Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students
Luan Stauss
Facilities Manager