Mother Dairy Fruit & Vegetable

1 follower

At Mother Dairy, we believe that everyone has a unique potential. We constantly inspire our employees to discover, hone and perfect their true potential. Be it doing challenging work or building domain expertise, we as an organization strive to provide an environment which fosters an enriched learni... Read more






Org chart

Manish Bandlish
Managing Director

Manish Bandlish

Ranga Venkee
Head Of Sales Modern Trade
Kiran Singh
Head Of Human Resources
Suman Saha
Head Of Media & CRM
Vipin Bansal
Head Of Internal Audit & Risk Management
Prashant Bhat
Chief R&d Officer
Ravi Shukla
Deputy Manager Quality Control
Shyam Pandey
Manager Quality, For Milk Procurement
Manali Khatri
Senior Executive (corporate Quality Assurance)