Navy League of the United States


The Navy League of the United States (NLUS) was founded in 1902 with the encouragement of President Theodore Roosevelt. The Navy League has provided a powerful voice for a stronger sea service to Congress and to the American people. The Navy League has grown into the foremost citizens'​ organization... Read more





Org chart

Mike Stevens
Chief Executive Officer

Mike Stevens

Evan Clarke
Senior Director Of Marketing
Jolene Edwards
Executive Vice President, Technology And Media
Ryan Donaldson
Chief Operating Officer
Tanneka Jones
Senior Vice President Finance
Andy Mohler
President, Florida Region U.s. Navy League
Charles Alaimo
Area President WNY
Charles Huff
Darrell Fike
PCR President
Doyle Wilhite
President, Midwest Region
Gary Decavage
President Of Hartford Council And A National Director
Grant Ivey
Virginia S Gibson
President Of The Merchant Marine Council Navy League Of The United States
Larry Osborn
President, Pacific Region
Rick Weston
President, Bay County Florida Council
Teodor Patrichi
Europe Regional President
Thomas W. Hoffman
National Director Caribbean Latin America Region President
Leticia Click
Vice President Of Corporate Affairs
Mark A. Haller
Vice President
Linda Ermen
Executive Assistant
Eva Garcia
National Vice President For International Affairs
Aams™ Jon Murdock Crpc™, Crps™
Vice President, Tacoma Council
Steve Tagariello
Vice President Legislative Affairs, Liberty Region