

Norrona is a Norwegian outdoor enthusiast, began his search for durable outdoor equipment to perform in Norway’s harsh and rugged land. Starting with simple innovations such as leather straps, canvas backpacks and cotton clothing, he set Norrøna’s direction: to search for the best in technical advan... Read more






Org chart

Jørgen Jørgensen

Brad Boren
chief sustainability officer & director of innovation
Christian Schmidt
Head of Consumer Sales and Customer Experience
Kjersti Glosli
Head of Sourcing, Costing & Quality
Martin Aas
Head of Projects
Martin Lien
Marketing Director
per gunnar haugen
Vice President
Ayesha Madhumali
Product Developer
Bjørn Sætnan
Product Designer
Candy Li
Senior Product Developer
Einar Holmin
Product Designer
Emelie Åkesson
Product Specialist
Guro Jøssang
Product Specialist - Pattern Maker
Helene Skar Ullestad
Jr Product Specialist
Henriette Aukner
Product Technician
Ingunn Elisabeth Huseby
Product Technician
Lisa Falkman
Product Engineering Manager
Madelen Westend
Product Engineer
Nina Dirix
Product Developer
Siri Lien
Designer/Modelist/Product Developer Apparel
Vivian Elvevold
Product Technician