Ontario Hospital Association


Established in 1924, the Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) serves as the voice of the province’s public hospitals, supporting them through advocacy, knowledge translation and member engagement, labour relations, and data and analytics with the goal of helping hospitals build a better health system.... Read more


Toronto, CA




Org chart

Anthony Jonker
Chief of Data and Analytics
David Brook
VP Labour Relations and Chief Negotiations Officer
Imtiaz Daniel
Chief Innovation And Transformation Officer
Kirk LeMessurier
Chief, Communications And Public Affairs
Leslie J.
Chief, People And Culture Officer
Melissa Prokopy
Vice President, Policy and Advocacy
Robert Saggiorato
Director, Information Technology
Sundeep Sodhi
Chief, Strategy, Member Relations and Long-Term Health Policy
Alice Melcov Betancourt
Director, Legal, Regulatory, And Governance Issues
Carissa Lewis, C.Dir.
Director, Learning and Engagement