O'Reilly Hospitality Management


Founded in 2007 by Tim O’Reilly, O'Reilly Hospitality Management, LLC is a proven hospitality firm specializing in the design, development, and staffing of hotels, restaurants, and commercial properties for some of the country's leading national and independent brands across the nation.





Org chart

Tim O'Reilly
Chief Executive Officer

Tim O'Reilly

Darren Harralson
Senior Director of Operations
Courtney Brown
Director of Accounting
Steve Minton
Director of Architecture & Construction
Ronda Smith
Corporate Director of Sales
David McDermott
Director of Information Technology
Laura Klouw
Corporate Director of Human Resources
John Bigler
Director of Asset & Development Transactions
Kristin Marquess
Director of Development Accounting & Support
Bill George
Director of Renovations, Procurement & Special Projects
Brian Inman
Area Director of Operations & Culture
Dathan Atchison
Senior Regional Director of Operations & Development Support
Miranda Comer
Regional Director of Operations
Steve Meilinger
Regional Director of Operations, Food, Beverage & Retail
Kerrie Van Sickle
Regional Director of Sales & Public Relations
Jeff Powell
Director of Internal Audit
Kirk Baumann
Director of Marketing & eCommerce