Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office



The official site of PBSO. The Palm Beach County's largest Law enforcement agency Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office.

Org chart

Ric Bradshaw

Frank DeMario
Chief of Law Enforcement Operations
Robert L. Allen
Colonel, Strategic Operations
Antonio Araujo
Colonel, Department of Uniform Operations
Hilda A. Gonzalez
Chief Risk Officer
Mark Alexander
Bureau Director of the Strategic Operations
William Brannin
Senior Executive Officer, East Regional Bureau of Patrol Operations
Eric Coleman
Major, West Regional Bureau
Michael DeVoter
Commanding Officer, Security Bureau of the Department of Corrections
Christopher Keane
Major, South Regional Bureau
Ron Mattino
Major, North Regional Bureau of Patrol Operations
Talal Masri
Major, Major Crimes Bureau
Sean Murray
Major, Homeland Security Bureau
Darlyn Morris
Commanding Officer, Operations Bureau of the Department of Corrections
Robert Van Reeth
Major, Community Operations
Teri Barbera
Bureau Director/Public Information Officer
Terence Feeney
Chief Procurement Officer
Andrea Lueghausen
Bureau Director, Communications Operations Bureau
Dale Sisson
Information Technology Bureau Director
Karen L. Thomas
Chief Human Resources Officer & Bureau Director, Personnel Services Bureau
Kyle Haas
Major, Professional Compliance Bureau
Thomas Cunningham
Beaureau Director, Communications Support Bureau