Partido Acción Nacional


Partido Acción Nacional or The National Action Party is a Political party.





Org chart

Marko Antonio Cortés Mendoza

Cecilia Patrón Laviada
General Secretary
Carlos Alberto Cárdenas Alamilla
Chief of the Presidency Office
Raymundo Bolaños
Legal General Director
Luis Agustín Rodríguez Torres
Secretary for Internal Strengthening & Identity
Armando Tejeda Cid
Election Secretary
Laura Esquivel Torres
Secretary for the Political Promotion of Women
Mariana Gómez Del Campo Gurza
Secretary, International Affairs
Fernando Rodríguez Doval
Secretary, Strategic Studies & Analysis
Omar Miranda Romero
Secretariat, Promotion & Protection of Human Rights
Kathia María Bolio Pinelo
Secretary, Equality & Human Development
Alejandra Gutiérrez Campos
National Coordinator of Mayors
Enrique Vargas Del Villar
National Coordinator, Local Deputies
Luis Alberto Aguilera Orta
National Coordinator, Trustees & Regidors
Gabriel Quadri De La Torre
Coordinatior, Clean Energy, Sustainable Development & Environment
Fernando Yunes Márquez
Government Action Officer
Arturo Hernández Vázquez
National Secretariat for Indigenious & AfroMexican Affairs
Marcos Aguilar Vega
National Action Spokesperson of National Executive Committee
Karen Lomelí Hernández
Digital Action Secretariat
Carlos Madrazo Limón
National Coordinator, Action in Plenitude