Paste Magazine



Paste is the premier pop culture destination for discerning readers who prize substance and authenticity. Our mission is to discover and share Signs of Life in pop culture, covering the best in music, movies, books, TV, video games, craft beer and soccer.




Org chart

Josh Jackson

Josh Jackson

Tim Grierson
Chief Film Critic
Amy Amatangelo
Assistant TV Editor
Andy Crump
Freelance Contributor
Brian Bell
Tech Editor
Brittany Deitch
Freelance Writer
Charlie Wacholz
Freelance Features And Reviews Writer
Devin Hall
Contributing Writer
Dominic Sinacola
Contributing Writer
Garrett Martin
Senior Editor
Gillian Bennett
Contributing Writer
James Calemine
Freelance Writer
James Vorel
Staff Writer
Jon O'Brien
Football Writer
Joshua Mellin
Freelance Contributor
Katy Kostakis
Contributing Writer
Keri Lumm
Freelance Video Producer Host
Mark Lore
Matt Mitchell
Head Music Editor
Max Covill
Freelance Contributor
Michael Dunaway
Editor At Large
Nina Corcoran
Music Contributor
Ocean Malandra
Environmental Columnist
Olivia Cathcart
Assistant Comedy Editor & Writer
Rachel Bailey
Freelance Writer/photographer
Reyzando Nawara
Freelance Writer
Roxanne Sancto
Freelance Writer
Sean McCarthy
Freelance Contributor
Trevor Courneen
Freelance Writer
Sean Weeks
Freelance Writer
Yousif Kassab
Freelance Writer
Zofia Wijaszka
Freelance Writer
Katie Chow