Pen Underwriting UK


Welcome to Pen Underwriting, one of the UK’s leading MGA’s. Here at Pen, we’ve come a long way in a short space of time. But the truth is, the journey’s just begun. From a ‘super start-up’ of a dozen or so brands in 2015, to a single cohesive £600m GWP business, we’re setting our sights on our nex... Read more





Org chart

Tom Downey
Chief Executive Officer

Tom Downey

Rebecca Taylor
Risk & Governance Manager
Laurence Andrews
Director Of Pricing & Insight
Paul Murphy
Managing Director, Risk Managed Commercial
Rob Chapman
Managing Director
Adrian Scott
Managing Director, Head Of International & Financial Lines
Richard Webb
Managing Director At UK Financial Lines & Specialist Liability
Simon Foweraker
Managing Director, Construction Division
Dawne Chandler
Head Of Claims Sourcing Solutions
Paul Crilly
Head Of Solicitors' PI & Recruitment Consultants Scheme
Caroline King
Trading & Operations Director SME & PL
Matthew Lucas
Chief Operating Officer
Nick Wright
Chief Business Development Officer