PolySystems, Inc.


PolySystems provides actuarial software and consulting services to life, health, and annuity companies. Our production-grade software solutions perform valuation, projection, source of earnings, and experience analyses. Our staff of 100 actuarial and systems professionals is dedicated to the devel... Read more





Org chart

Peter Amann

Eileen Mertens
Vice President
Eugene Korzhenevich
Vice President Information Technology Services
Guy Tarnstrom
Manager - Actuarial Services
Mingxin Tan Fsa (Mason)
Manager, Actuarial Services
Wan Ying Teoh
Vice President, Actuarial Services
Chris Marecki
Manager Of Human Resources
Patty Pape
Administrative Assistant
Aaron Soley
Actuary, Life Product Coordinator
Chris Kaplan
Manager, Actuarial Services
Kevin Becker
Actuarial Analyst
Monika Kadlckova
Actuarial Software Tester
Rebecca Connell
Health Product Coordinator
Gwendolyn Hart
Manager Of Actuarial Services
Jon Schiefelbein
Manager, Actuarial Services
Alex Jecius
Actuarial Software Tester
Jeremy Soriano
Actuarial Analyst
Jerry Fusselman
Mathematical Finance