Leadership Team
The leadership team at Restless Development has a long history of working in various charitable organizations and companies. Some of their previous experiences include working as a Fellow at The RSA, International Campaigns Manager at WaterAid, Senior Campaigns Advisor at Save the Children, Consultant at Robin Hood Tax Campaign, Director of Strategic Development at Innovations in Civic Participation, Publicity and Communications Officer at VSO, Mentor and tutor at Movimiento de Apoyo a Menores Abandonados (MAMA), AC, Community-Based Learning/Program on Justice and Peace Coordinator at Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching and Service, Georgetown University, Parent Governor at St Matthew's Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School, Member Board of Trustees at Xavier Project, Programme Manager - Disability at VSO, Manager communications at CARE, Manager - Communications & Advocacy at Handicap International, Program Associate at SBSS, Programme Officer at UNICEF India, Senior Development (Programme) Officer at Sir Ratan Tata Trust, Project Officer at Oxfam Great Britain (GB), Executive (Projects) at PRADAN (Professional Assistance for Development Action), Internal Auditor at Aga Khan Foundation, Finance Officer at WaterAid, Manager - Audit & Assurance at M/s. Sanjay Aditya & Associates (popularly known as AccountAid), Partner at T. Nagar & Company. They also have a wide range of educational backgrounds including studying Geography at The University of