RSM McGladrey offerns business & tax consulting, wealth management, retirement resources, payroll services & corporate finance. McGladrey & Pullen provides audit and assurance services.





Org chart

Brian Becker's profile picture
Brian Becker
Managing Partner & CEO
Profile photo

Brian Becker

Andy Bosman's profile picture
Andy Bosman
Chief Marketing Officer
Bill Gorman's profile picture
Bill Gorman
Chief Operating Officer
Sara Webber Laczo's profile picture
Sara Webber Laczo
Chief Communications Officer
Tom Ferreira's profile picture
Tom Ferreira
Chief Global Officer & Northeast Market Leader
John Brackett's profile picture
John Brackett
Chief Risk Officer
Tracey Walker's profile picture
Tracey Walker
Chief Diversity Officer
Troy Cardinal's profile picture
Troy Cardinal
Chief Information Officer
Ty Beasley's profile picture
Ty Beasley
Chief Talent Officer
Rick Miller's profile picture
Rick Miller
General Counsel
Jamie Burgess' profile picture
Jamie Burgess
Partner, Risk Consulting National Leader
Milton Marcotte's profile picture
Milton Marcotte
Private Equity Consulting Leader
Maddy Dahl
Modern Work Projects, Senior Associate
Michele Juliana's profile picture
Michele Juliana
Principal, RSM Business Applications
Alex Sengstock's profile picture
Alex Sengstock
Strategy Execution Manager
Tom Jackson's profile picture
Tom Jackson
Chief Technology Officer
Damian Batt's profile picture
Damian Batt
Director, Global Support Office
Noopur Banerji McKenna
Client Relationship Director, Global Banks And Fintech
Pat Smith's profile picture
Pat Smith
Director, Existing Account Team
Sandina Heckert's profile picture
Sandina Heckert
Financial Services Market Development Lead
Sue Conti
RSM Microsoft Alliance Director
Jessica Fasko
Leadership Support Manager Lead
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