Gina Floyd

Director Of Sales at Savvas Learning

Gina Floyd has held various sales positions throughout their career. Gina started working at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in 2006 as a Sales Director and worked in that role until 2016. In 2016, they joined Savvas Learning Co as the Director of Sales, where they currently work.

Gina Floyd has attended several universities throughout their education history. It is not specified when they attended each institution, but it is known that they have had some level of involvement with Texas Tech University, Texas Wesleyan University, and The University of Texas at Austin. At Texas Tech University, it is not mentioned if they completed a degree or pursued a specific field of study. At Texas Wesleyan University, they obtained a Master's degree, although the field of study is not specified. At The University of Texas at Austin, it is not specified if they completed a degree or pursued a specific field of study.



  • Director Of Sales

    April, 2016 - present