Founding Team


The founding team at Scope3 has a history of experience in various engineering positions at different companies as well as a variety of educational backgrounds. These include the CTO and Co-Founder at Waybridge, SVP of Engineering at Xandr, VP of Engineering at AppNexus, Computer Scientist at Sandia National Laboratories, Head of Product at Waybridge, Senior Product Line Manager at Xandr, Product Line Manager at AppNexus, Technology Consultant at Accenture, Senior Software Engineer at Waybridge, Software Engineer at AppNexus, Software Engineer II at Xandr, Software Engineer Intern at AppNexus, Engineering Manager at Waybridge, Senior Software Engineer at AppNexus, Software Engineering Intern at AppNexus, and CEO and Founder at Sizzle Technologies. The George Washington University, University of Warwick, UCL, Columbia Engineering, and Princeton University are some of the schools where the founding team members studied topics like Computer Science, Mathematics, Philosophy, and Electrical Engineering.

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