Silverwood Partners



A specialized investment bank that provides M&A, Private Placement, and Advisory services to clients worldwide





Org chart

Jonathan Hodson-Walker
Managing Partner

Jonathan Hodson-Walker

Lisa M. Sacuto
Managing Director
Chuck Slotkin
Managing Director
Scott Buffington
Managing Director
Sharron Amin
Industry Advisor
James Andrew
Industry Advisor
Stephanie Atkinson
Industry Advisor
Eric Baron
Industry Advisor
Carlos Barroso
Industry Advisor
Alvin Berger
Industry Advisor
Vito Bialla
Industry Advisor
William Jefferson Black
Industry Advisor
Mark Blakemore
Industry Advisor
Steven L. Bock
Industry Advisor
Yvonne Brubacher
Industry Advisor
Rimas Buinevicius
Industry Advisor
Steve Chackowicz
Industry Advisor
Wendy Chou
Industry Advisor
Lauren Clardy
Industry Advisor
Oswaldo da Costa e Silva
Industry Advisor
Matt Danilowicz
Industry Advisor
Jonas Darke
Industry Advisor
Mark Denesuk
Industry Advisor
Bob Egan
Industry Advisor
John Ellis
Industry Advisor
Mason Fackert
Industry Advisor
Greg Fea
Industry Advisor
Bill Feaster
Industry Advisor
Neil Foster
Industry Advisor
Michael Frank
Industry Advisor
Paul Fuegner
Industry Advisor
Jim Garfield
Industry Advisor
Paul Gaumnitz
Industry Advisor
Robert Genco
Industry Advisor
Jerry Gepner
Industry Advisor
David Gilby
Industry Advisor
Mark Haas
Industry Advisor
Brad Haggen
Industry Advisor
Joop Janssen
Industry Advisor
Eben Jenkins
Industry Advisor
Carl Jorgensen
Industry Advisor
Kevin Joyce
Industry Advisor
Joshua Kohnstamm
Industry Advisor
Alan Douglas Kraemer
Industry Advisor
Scott Kumf
Industry Advisor
James Lamie
Industry Advisor
Nils-Michael Langenborg
Industry Advisor
Allexe Law
Industry Advisor
Dan Ledger
Industry Advisor
Minna LeVine
Industry Advisor
Jeff Liebl
Industry Advisor
Edward Lindsey
Industry Advisor
Timothy Looney
Industry Advisor
Jeff Mandell
Industry Advisor
Joe Manning
Industry Advisor
Philip Marshall
Industry Advisor
Allan McLennan
Industry Advisor
Yadim Medore
Industry Advisor
Jeff Moore
Industry Advisor
Matthew Neutra
Industry Advisor
Brian Nohe
Industry Advisor
John Pagliaro
Industry Advisor
Jeffrey Pandolfino
Industry Advisor
Bill Patrizio
Industry Advisor
Gabriel Perera
Industry Advisor
Marc Philouze
Industry Advisor
Brian Powell
Industry Advisor
Eric Pohl
Industry Advisor
Jessica Pratt
Industry Advisor
David Price
Industry Advisor
Sarah Priestnall
Industry Advisor
Michael Saitow
Industry Advisor
Michele Sawyer
Industry Advisor
Tony Schor
Industry Advisor
Risa Schulman
Industry Advisor
Michael G. Schultz
Industry Advisor
Lawrence Siff
Industry Advisor
David Sowerbutts
Industry Advisor
Marc Staimer
Industry Advisor
Andy Stallone
Industry Advisor
Philip Teverow
Industry Advisor
Michael Theodor
Industry Advisor
Vera T. Tice
Industry Advisor
Jorge Titinger
Industry Advisor
Yojak Vasa
Industry Advisor
Eric G. Walters
Industry Advisor
Eugene Y. Wang
Industry Advisor
Kathy Weidman
Industry Advisor
Stephen Wharton
Industry Advisor
Scott Woodburn
Industry Advisor
David Woods
Industry Advisor
Jay Yogeshwar
Industry Advisor
Joe Zaller
Industry Advisor
Hammad Atassi
Industry Advisor
Ben Keen
Industry Advisor
Kara Landau
Industry Advisor
Steve Adler
Industry Advisor
Valerie Lightfoot
Industry Advisor
Peter Thom
Managing Director