SKY Leasing

1 follower

SKY Leasing offers an extensive range of aircraft leasing and asset management services. Its value lies in its experience, deep networks, industry insights, and superior client service. The company's team of industry professionals maintains strong relationships with over 100 airline customers in eve... Read more

Org chart

Austin Wiley's profile picture
Austin Wiley
Chief Executive Officer
Profile photo

Austin Wiley

Ailbhe Kenny's profile picture
Ailbhe Kenny
Chief Financial Officer
Ben Crosby's profile picture
Ben Crosby
Vice President
Edwin Fusco
VP Marketing
Jack Jennings
Vice President
John Duffy's profile picture
John Duffy
Chief Commercial Officer
John Edwards' profile picture
John Edwards
Senior Vice President & Head of Technical
Luke H.
Vice President
Matthew Crawford, CFA
Co-chief Investment Officer
Paul Cassidy, CFA
Vice President, Capital Markets
Catherine Kearns
General Counsel
