Paul Lennon

Chief Technology Officer at Skyline Technology Solutions

Paul Lennon oversees Skyline's IT service delivery division responsible for consulting, engineering, and operations. He consults customers with the development of their strategic direction and the associated technology innovation, people education/development, and operational process improvements.

He is responsible for delivering IT-driven solutions related to Enterprise and Service Provider Network Services, Physical Plant (fiber) management, Information Technology Security and Assurance, and Public and Private Cloud. He has served as an Enterprise Architect of Maryland’s Statewide Broadband buildout initiative resulting in more than 1,200 fiber miles and providing lit telecommunications infrastructure to deliver network services to over 1,000 State and County Community Anchor institutions.

Additionally, he supported initiatives to implement the State’s unified IT Enterprise Architecture integration of over 30 State agencies into a unified IT Services delivery model. He supported the development and implementation of the Maryland Department of Transportation’s underlying communications and cybersecurity architecture for their ITS initiatives. He has 24 years of experience providing consulting, operations management, and program management of developing and managing business-centric IT solutions in support of Departments of Transportation, Statewide Information Technology Initiatives, local and municipal government, and the commercial sector.
