Smithsonian Institution


The Smithsonian is the world's largest museum and research complex, with 19 museums and galleries, the National Zoo, and 9 research facilities.





Org chart

Lonnie G. Bunch III

Carol Leblanc
President, Smithsonian Enterprises
Jennifer B. McIntyre
Chief Legal Officer
Greg Bettwy
Chief of Staff to the Secretary
Meroë Park
Deputy Secretary & Chief Operating Officer
Kevin Gover
Acting Under Secretary for Museums & Culture
Ellen Stofan
Under Secretary for Science & Research
Monique M. Chism
Under Secretary for Education
Julissa Marenco
Assistant Secretary for Communications & External Affairs & Chief Marketing Officer
Robert J. Spiller
Assistant Secretary for Advancement
Porter Wilkinson
Chief of Staff to the Regents
Nicole Angarella
Inspector General
Becky Kobberod
Head of Digital Transformation
Elizabeth Ziebarth
Head Diversity Officer
Aviva Rosenthal
Director, Office of Global Affairs
Aretha L. Carr
Director, Office of Equal Employment & Supplier Diversity