Sole Technology


Sole Technology is a globally recognized leader in authentic action sports footwear and apparel that is available in more than 70 countries and is one of the largest private action sports companies with revenues closing in at $200 million. The company’s holdings include top brands — etnies, éS, Emer... Read more




Org chart

Pierre André Senizergues

Danny Romansky
Senior Art Director
Don Brown
SVP Marketing
Darren Wrenn
Customer Service Manager
Wouter Alsema
Managing Director
Alyssa Lightner
Retail Marketing Program Specialist
Matt Roder
Sales Representative And Retail Marketing
Ryan Keys
Senior Financial Analyst
Ryan Bachman
Sales Director Etnies/thirtytwo (domestic & International)
Molly Mordecai
Photo Retoucher
Aron Cabasan
32 Prod Mgr Tech Projects Developer
Saecha Clarke
Apparel Designer
Gary Newhouser
Footwear Developer