John Beauchemin

Principal Animator at Squanch Games

Senior Animator John Beauchemin has left his mark on a variety of games and studios over the years. He shipped over 15 games at THQ alone and then went on to do freelance work for several other studios including Irrational Games and Harmonix.

Hailing from Rhode Island, John got his background in Classical (2D) Animation at the Vancouver Film School in Canada and the Joe Kubert School of Graphic Art in New Jersey and then fired off his portfolio everywhere he could. It eventually landed him a gig with a video game startup and he built a career from there.

John is a Harley-riding, gun-shooting, permanent beard-wearing kind of guy. He feels right at home at the studio in Raleigh, North Carolina. His favorite video games are shooters and town-builder strategy games. He also just happens to really love cats and photography. Send him cat pictures and or adoptable cat links, okay Internet? You know what to do.


  • Principal Animator

    Current role