StarkWare Industries

1 follower

StarkWare Industries develops a full-proof stack in generating and verifying proofs of computational integrity in the blockchain.





Org chart

Uri Kolodny
Co-Founder & CEO

Uri Kolodny

Eli Ben-Sasson
Co-Founder, Chairman & President
Ittay Dror
Chief Architect
Steve Goodman
Principal Technical Writer
Oren Katz
VP, Engineering
Avihu Levy
Head, Product & Blockchain Research
Nitzan Grossman
Head, Marketing
Ran Grinshtein
Head, Finance
Haim Krasniker
Head, Security
Rami Cohen
Head, Software Infrastructure
Shiri Teichman
Head, People
Laura Levi
Director, Legal
Sarit Asta
HR & Administrative Manager
Francis Corvino
Business Development Manager
Maayan Kenan Joffe
Legal Counsel
Tamar Lawrence
Talent Acquisition Leader
Abdelhamid Bakhta
Exploration Lead
Vered Roitberg
Office Manager