State Center Community College District


Community College District in the Central Valley which includes Fresno, Madera, Kings and parts of Tulare counties. They have a student enrollment of about 35,000. The district has two fully accredited colleges: Fresno City College and Reedley College with college centers in Madera, Oakhurst and the... Read more




Org chart

Carole Goldsmith

Don Lopez
Interim District CTO
Jerry Buckley
President, Reedley College
Angel Reyna
President, Madera Community College Center
Robert Pimentel
President, Fresno City College
Kim E. Armstrong
President, Clovis Community College
Julianna Mosier
Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
Christine Miktarian
Vice Chancellor, Operations
Robert Frost
Interim Vice Chancellor, Ed Services & Institutional Effectiveness
Andy Dunn
Interim Vice Chancellor, Finance & Administration
Kirsten Corey
General Counsel
Rico Guerrero
Executive Director, SCCC Foundation
Johnathan Kepler
District Director. Maintenance And Transportation
Jose Arrezola
Interim Director Of Student Success