Office of the Suffolk County Clerk


Suffolk County was created one of the original counties in the colony of New York in 1683. The first county Clerk, Ezra L'Hommedieu was also a member of congress. Our current County Clerk, Judith A. Pascale is the second women to hold the office.




Org chart

Judith A. Pascale
County Clerk

Judith A. Pascale

Frank Krotschinsky
Director Of Suffolk County For People With Disabilities
Dorian Dale
Director Of Sustainability & Chief Recovery Officer
Brett Limmer
Notary Public
Dave Grier
Special Deputy County Clerk
Megan Heckman
Senior Deputy County Clerk
Meredith Smith
Clerk Typist
Patti Arthurs
Senior Clerk Typist
Pauline Jenkins
Senior Office Assistant
Stephen Kiely
Sr. Deputy County Clerk
Chris Rizopoulos
Office Systems Analyst