Sval Energi

1 follower




Org chart

Christian Holst
SVP Development at Sval
Gro Kyllingstad
EVP Safety, Sustainabilty & People
Henning Eide
VP Projects and Technical Services
Ingrid Landråk
VP Performance and Board
Jørgen Moe
VP Exploration
Jessica Haege
Management Assistant to CEO
Jessica Samuelsson Nordvall
VP Economic Analysis
Kari Flesjå
Chief geologist
Nicolas Gueze
Chief Reservoir Engineer
Olav Log
Well Operations Manager5
Petter Myhre
SVP Production
Philip Milstead
Chief Geoscientist
Svein Torland
VP Supply Chain
Tom Gederø
VP Communications
Truls Olsen-Skaare
VP Low Carbon And Sustainability
Halvor Engebretsen
Chief Executive Officer


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