TMF Holdings

1 follower

Tata Motors Finance Limited (TMFL) and Tata Motors Finance Solutions Limited (TMFSL) are Non Banking Financial Companies ( NBFCs) with each of them being a subsidiary of TMF Holdings Limited (TMFHL).



Thane, India




Org chart

Anand Bang's profile picture
Anand Bang
COO, Sales & Marketing
Muktar Shaikh's profile picture
Muktar Shaikh
Group Chief Compliance Officer
Rohit Sarda's profile picture
Rohit Sarda
Chief Credit & Collections Officer
Prashant Bharati's profile picture
Prashant Bharati
Chief Legal & Compliance Officer
Neeloy Majumder's profile picture
Neeloy Majumder
Chief Digital & Marketing Officer
Arti Mahajan's profile picture
Arti Mahajan
Chief Internal Auditor
Vinu Nair
COO, Regions & Collections
Vinay Lavannis
Company Secretary
Jitendra Jadhwani
Head Corporate Excellence , Chief Information Security Officer , Head CSR Excellence
Sourabh G.
Delivery Lead
Vinay Murukate
Deputy Manager
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