Caroline Parker

Group Referrals & Transitions Manager at The SENAD Group Limited

Caroline has worked for The SENAD Group since 2006. With her knowledge of SENAD’s provision, she develops, leads and manages SENAD’s referral, placement and transition processes for all child and adult services.

Caroline has experience in all aspects of referral management. She engages with Local Authority Commissioners, Social Workers, CAMHS specialists and SEN caseworkers to help identify suitable placement options for children and adults with complex needs such as Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Challenging Behaviour, Learning Difficulties, Sexually Harmful Behaviour and Prader Willi Syndrome. She is also experienced in supporting families throughout the SEN tribunal process working alongside SENAD colleagues and Education Law specialists.

Caroline role also involves raising SENAD’s profile to generate referrals from new and existing contacts, to support the delivery of SENAD’s business plans and new service developments.
