Thieme International


Thieme is a medical and science publisher that provides medical and chemistry information, software, and services to health professionals and students.The company's products include databases for medical student and resident education and board preparation, diagnostic imaging, nursing diagnosis as w... Read more

Org chart

Albrecht Hauff
Executive Vice President

Albrecht Hauff

Rachna Sinha
Director Editorial Services
Kathleen Too
Managing Director, Thieme China
Louisa Turrell
Managing Director, Thieme Brazil
Ann-Sofie Schäufele
Senior Vice President Human Resources
Dr. Nitendra Sesodia
Senior Director - Medical Communications & Corporate Sales
Katharina Kaestner
Vice President International Finance & Operations
Dr Navj Kar
Senior Director Product Portfolio
Christoph Hirschfeld
Senior Director Patient Care
Kathryn Chaloux
Executive Editor
Jessica Bogensberger
Executive Editor


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