Timaru District Council


The thriving port city of Timaru is surrounded by picturesque bustling towns, lush pasture, rolling downlands, green hills and clean rivers lie in the lee of New Zealand's magnificent Southern Alps in the west. More than 42,000 residents enjoy life in Timaru District. Moderately-priced real estat... Read more






Org chart

Andrea Rankin
Chief Financial Officer
Beth Stewart-Wright
GM User Experience And Community Engagement
Bill Steans
Parks and Recreation Manager
Catherine Irvine
Waste manager
Grant Hall
Principal Three Waters Specialist
Grant Hamel
Customer Services Manager
Hannah Goddard-Coles
Group Manager Engagement and Culture
H Barrell
District Planning Manager
Nick Houston
Water Services Project Team Leader
Paul Cooper
Group Manager Environmental Services
Rosie Oliver
Development Manager
Stephen Doran
Group Manager Corporate And Communications
Suzy Ratahi
Land Transport Manager