United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)


At the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), we're dedicated to helping countries and communities lower risk and raise resilience in the face of natural and human-induced hazards. Our work is guided by the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, a 15-year agreement adopted by the inte... Read more




Org chart

Paola Albrito

Amjad Abbashar
Regional Office For Africa
Jeanette Elsworth
Communication, Advocacy And Knowledge Management Section
Sujit Kumar Mohanty
Chief Of Branch, Intergovernmental Processes, Interagency Cooperation And Partnerships
Fanny Langella
Head Of Content And Channels
Dr. Abhilash Panda
Head, Financing Prevention, De-risking Investment & Infrastructure Resilience
Mathieu Verougstraete
Head Of Infrastructure And Finance For Resilience Unit
Richard Bailey
Chief Resource, Mobilization Section, Undrr
Andrew Bower
Programme Manager - Country Support
Erick Gonzales Rocha
Economic Affairs Officer
Luca Rossi
Senior Coordinator-early Warning For All
Helen Ng
Programme Management Officer
Jair Torres
Programme Management Officer
Lukas Edbauer
Associate Program Officer
Devika Vohra