United World Wrestling


Changing the Game, For the Athletes, The Events, and The Fans





Org chart

Nenad Lalovic

Nenad Lalovic

Eric Olanowski
Head Of Communications
Sébastien Guenat
Director Of IT Department
Zach Errett
Education Manager
Gordon Templeman
Director, Commercial Operations & Communications
Adrian Bakos
President Of World Pankration Committee
Maurice Alain Charles Zadi
President De La Federation Ivoirienne De Pancrace Et Discipline Assimilées
Pedro Silva
President Of The Beach Wrestling Committee
Kamel Bouaziz
Vice President De De Partement D Arbitrage
Jane Mengel
Competition Manager
Ali Pourkarim
International Wrestling Referee
Giviko Loladze
Professional Athlete
Ibrahim Moustafa
Referee International
Karem Abouray
World Wrestling Champion Grappling And Jiu Jitsu
Marcel Sterkenburg
Professioneel Sporter
Nicholas Titus
United World Wrestling
Paul Kruggel
Olympic Styles Referee
Payam Mehrabpour
United World Wrestling
Rui Manuel Marta
International Referee
Omar O.
Fila/ UWW World Olympic Wrestling Sports World Medalist
Zura Berikashvili
Event Organizer
Azer Elghoul
Freelance Motion Graphic Designer
Max Rose-Fyne
Videographer And Photographer