Université des Antilles


University of the French West Indies one of the French universities, is not located on the European continent but 7000 kilometres away from France. However, University of the French West Indies is particularly privileged as far as the original geographical context in which it evolves is concerned: i... Read more





Org chart

Eustase Janky

Eustase Janky

Jean-Len Leticee
VP, Guadeloupe Pole
Odile Marcelin Francois-Haugrin
VP of the Martinique Pole
Louis Jehel
VP of the Training & University Life Commission of the Pôle Martinique
Olivier Gros
VP of the Research Commission of the Guadeloupe Pole
Justin Daniel
VP of the Pôle Martinique Research Commission
Philippe Joseph
VP in charge of Educational Innovation
Jack Molinie
VP delegated to the Allocation of Resources
Chantal Mezen
VP in charge of Partnerships with the Socio-Economic World
Narcisse Zahibo
VP in charge of Scientific Promotion
Laura Carvigan-Cassin
Chief of Staff to the President, Senior Lecturer in Literature
Alain Pietrus
Project Manager
Angéla Epaminondas
Chief of Staff to the President
Fred Reno
Project Manager
Pascal Saffache
Professor in Spatial Planning