
1 follower

VeraBank is a privately owned community bank that serves 16 counties in East, Central and Southeast Texas with ~500 employees, a network of 40 conveniently located branches, $3.9 billion in assets, and trust assets under management of approximately $950 million. Since 1930, VeraBank has remained com... Read more




Org chart

Brad Tidwell
President and CEO

Brad Tidwell

Alex Hammond
Chief Credit Officer
Jon Moore
Senior Vice President / Chief Credit Approval Officer
Danette Heffner
Executive Vice President And Director Of Human Resources
Jennifer Ware
Senior Vice President Of Marketing & Communications
Andrew Adams
Regional President
Joel Jackson
Market President
Kevin Kelly
Market President - Georgetown
Tim Lewinski Cfa, Cfp®
Chief Investment Officer
Jeremy Cartwright
Vice President & Digital Experience Officer
Kathy B.
SVP Loan Operations
Crcm Elise Webb-Moore
SVP Senior Director Of Retail Branches
Michael Purifoy
Senior EVP - Chief Treasury And Digital Banking Officer
Cameron Nofi
Rosalyn Williamson
Senior Vice President & Controller
Paul McGuire
Commercial Banker